Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fitness Update

30.25 miles down, only 334.75 to go

the treadmills, stairsteppers and ellipticals were full tonight so we did the bikes for about half of our time - that's how I hit 6.25 miles tonight...consequently, i decided to change my goal for the year - to "bike, run, or walk 365 miles" not just "walk or run 365 miles". david and i were actually talking about that too, over the weekend, i believe. cuz we like to go biking when it's nice out and i decided i wanted that to count towards my goal too.

I also did 40 pushups. My workout partner (who is 8 months pregnant) always does 40. I started out with 10, then 15, then 20, then 25. Tonight I did 40 right alongside her. I was so excited to reach yet another fitness goal! I guess I felt lame that my expecting friend was whooping me so I had to push myself.

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