Tuesday, September 22, 2009


sept 11-20 - ate lots of rice and beans and anything that wouldn't upset my stomach in costa rica. lost about 4 lbs over the 10 days.

sept 21 - back home...

breakfast -
homemade oatmeal with raisins and walnuts - 5 pts

snack -
fiber one oats and chocolate bar - 2 pts

lunch -
green beans - 0 pts
WW lasagna meal - 6 pts
coke zero - 0 pts

dinner - 1/2 of a large papa johns pizza pepperoni - 28
3 bites cheesecake factory pumpkin cheesecake - probably 100 points!
pepsi - 3

points allowance - 25
points balance at end of day -

well, there you have it. one horrible dinner ruined my good day. i had only used 13 points by dinnertime and then i ate waaaay to much pizza. oh well, lesson learned. pizza is not for me right now since i lack the self control to eat 1 or 2 pieces. :)

also, we rode our bikes about 2 miles last night.

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